Monday, December 26, 2011

Combo And Stackable Washer Dryer Set Appliances Advantages and Disadvantages

!±8± Combo And Stackable Washer Dryer Set Appliances Advantages and Disadvantages

A washer dryer set is something that a person will need at one point or another. This being the case, one will have to get it eventually. Choosing an item such as this could prove to be a difficult task. The reason behind such a statement is the fact that there are many models and types of such sets. This being the case, one might find it difficult to make a decision on how to get a good set.

However, using certain steps might prove to be very helpful for an individual who is interested in getting the washer dryer. In most cases, you will find that there are two types of these sets. The first type is that which has a large number of functions and can be quite tricky to handle. The other option is the one, which is simple with a few functions. The two, they generally come in either a combo set or a stackable set.

When choosing a good washer set, one will have to consider what is best for his or her needs. The best way to go about it would be to have an idea of what the different sets have in terms of advantages and disadvantages. The combo washer dryer set has several advantages. The first one is that it is one machine with two functions. This means that the user will not have to get a large space in order to use the machine.

In most cases, the combo is best for individuals or a small group of individuals such as a family. Another advantage it has is the fact that it uses less energy. This being the case, it is best for people who live on a tight budget, as it will not invite high electricity bills. At the same time, it will save individuals money when they are buying it. A final advantage of the equipment is that it is able to save a person's time, as he or she will not have to transfer the wash load between cycles.

The main disadvantage of this set is that it lacks the drying capability of the stackable set. This means that the drying of the wash load will not be fully efficient. The stackable washer dryer set also have its disadvantages and advantages. The first disadvantage of the stackable washer is that it does washing in cycles. This means that you have to move the load to the dryer once completed. The advantage of a stackable machine is mainly greater service. Apart from this, they are considered better in handling washing than their combo counterparts.

In general, the combo set is better than the stackable counterpart is when it comes to the financial benefits. When it comes to doing a good job, the stackable washer dryer set will be the best machine. Having all these facts in mind, one will have to choose for themselves the type of washers that they will prefer. The bottom line is that each person can find a machine that he or she needs.

Combo And Stackable Washer Dryer Set Appliances Advantages and Disadvantages

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Maytag bartering Washer Fill and wash

Maytag commercial washer Beginning of the fill and wash cycle. Its dark so its hard to see.I tried to get the spin but it was too dark. They only have 1 light above the washers and 1 above the dryers. Next time I will bring a lamp.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Washer Dryer Video Remix - Original Music by Thwak!

More Music and Beats made from Maytag Washers and Dryers. Video Remix Produced, Filmed and Edited by Thwak! Music NY Directed by Tony Verderosa

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Guide To Residential Ventilation Exhaust Fans

!±8± A Guide To Residential Ventilation Exhaust Fans

Most of today's new homes are highly insulated and practically air tight. While this is great as far as cost effective energy bills go, the down side to tightly insulated homes is poor indoor air quality. As windows and doors are typically kept shut throughout the day, moisture, and stale air that can carry contaminants and pathogens circulates inside homes and gives rise to various problems including mold and mildew, health problems, ruined furniture, peeling paint etc. This is why it is important that you take every step to improve the quality of your indoor air, which can be achieved through mechanical ventilation.

An excellent way to ventilate your home thoroughly, efficiently, and cheaply is to install exhaust fans in your home. This article explains what exhaust fans are, their different types, how to select the best one for your home, and also the benefits of exhaust ventilation fans.

What Are Exhaust Fans

An exhaust fan is a mechanical ventilation device that helps to draw out stale and impure air from your home and bring in fresh air, thereby improving the quality of indoor air. Exhaust fans are typically ducted to the exteriors of your house, through which bad indoor air can effectively be removed from your living space.

Types Of Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are classified into various types, mainly depending on the type of mount and the location where you need to install the fans. The different types are:

1. Ceiling Mounted Exhaust Fans: As the name suggests, ceiling exhaust fans are those which are installed in the ceiling. Such fans expel stale air from your home upwards through the roof. The fan is connected to ducting, which is exhausted outside the home via an external vent, like a roof cap or soffit exhaust vent.

2. Inline Exhaust Fans: Unlike ceiling exhaust fans that are installed directly into the ceiling, inline exhaust fans are typically mounted in-between ducting, hence the name inline fan. For instance, if you wanted to ventilate an area that did not have clearance or space for a ceiling mount fan, you would make use of inline exhaust fans to ventilate such areas. The exhaust fan would be placed in between the ductwork and the stale air would travel through the ducts and ultimately be expelled from your home. Since inline fans are not mounted directly to the ceiling, they are very quiet. When installing an inline fan, to reduce noise, we recommend using an insulated flex duct that is at least eight feet long from the intake port on the ceiling to the inline fan.

Inline exhaust fans are ideal for exhausting areas or rooms where you cannot, or do not wish to install the exhaust fan directly. Since these types of exhaust fans are mounted in remote areas, they are also referred to as remote mounted exhaust fans. Inline exhaust fans can either be single-port (exhausting from a single area) or multi-port (exhausting from multiple areas).

3. Wall Mounted Exhaust Fans: These exhaust fans are installed on walls. Since they are installed on exterior walls of the home and not on interior walls, the stale air has a direct route to the outside of your home and thus no duct work is required in installing these exhaust fans.

4. Combination Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans are also available as combination units. You have the choice of a fan-light combination where the exhaust fan provides illumination as well, or heat-fan-light combination wherein you get a heater, light and ventilating fan all in a single device.

5. Exterior Remote Mounted Exhaust Fans: While most other exhaust fans are installed inside your home and push stale air out, exterior remote mounted fans are installed outside your home and pull out stale indoor air instead of pushing it out. The main benefit of these exhaust fans is that regardless of however noisy they are, most of the noise remains outside your home.

6. Kitchen Range Exhaust Fans: These fans are mounted inside the range hood over your kitchen stove. Such fans not only help to rid your kitchen of stale air but also help to expel bad odors and reduce moisture levels in your cooking area.

These several types of exhaust fans can be used for complete ventilation of your home including intermittent local ventilation for baths, kitchens, dryer rooms; continuous whole house ventilation throughout your home, and for exhausting hard-to-air spaces such as crawl spaces, attics, and basements.

Benefits Of Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are very effective at ventilating your home and other living spaces. Without proper ventilation, the air inside your home can get filled with harmful contaminants and disease causing pathogens.

Pollutants such as pesticides, harmful gases, smoke, pet dander, lead, asbestos, dust mites, paint fumes, grease etc get released into indoor air due to daily activities such as cooking, smoking, burning fuel, bathing, renovating etc. In addition to these pollutants, activities such as bathing, cooking, and washing also release excess moisture in the air and make indoor air extremely humid. If not ventilated adequately, these added pollutants and increased moisture levels can decrease the quality of indoor air greatly, thereby leading to various problems such as:

Health problems including asthma, allergies, nose bleeds, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, and other breathing disorders. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, a large percentage of the over 20 million annual asthma cases in the US alone can be attributed to bad indoor air quality.

Split, warped and rotted furniture due to excess humidity.

Cracked and peeling paint on the walls.

Formation of fungus, mold spores, and mildew, which in turn lead to severe health problems.

Thus, by using exhaust fans to ventilate your home efficiently and completely, thereby improving indoor air quality, you can rid yourself and your home of all these problems.

Recommended Sizing Of Exhaust Fans

To ventilate your home effectively, it is important that the exhaust fan you choose has the capacity to exhaust the intended space completely. To ensure this, you must select the right sized fan for your needs. Here's a look at how to size exhaust fans properly.

1. Location of the Exhaust Fan and Air Changes Per Hour:

Where you intend to install the exhaust fan will have a direct bearing on its size. As per the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI), different locations in your home require varying Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in order to be ventilated properly. Here are the ACH requirements recommended by HVI.

8 ACH for bathrooms

15 ACH for kitchens

6 ACH for rooms other than bath and kitchen

ACH refers to the number of times the air should be completely changed in an hour. Thus, an 8 ACH recommendation for bathrooms means the exhaust fan should have the capacity to completely change the air in the bathroom 8 times in one hour.

All exhaust fans are rated in CFM, which refers to Cubic Feet per Minute. To determine how large an exhaust fan you need (in other words, CFM rating of the fan) here's what you need to do.

Sizing Bathroom Exhaust Fans:

First and foremost, measure the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the room and then calculate the volume of air in the room by multiplying all these 3 numbers. For instance, if your bathroom has dimensions of 6 x 10 x 8, then the air volume in the bathroom is 480 cubic feet. Thus, the exhaust fan needs to ventilate 480 cubic feet of air in order to achieve 1 ACH. But since the recommended ACH for bathrooms is 8, the fan will effectively need to ventilate 480 x 8 cubic feet, which equals 3840 cubic feet in one hour. Fan ratings are per minute, thus by dividing 3840 by 60, you can achieve the desired CFM rating for the fan which in this case is 64.

A simpler way of determining the CFM rating for bathroom exhaust fans is to simply multiply the length of the bathroom by its width. For every 1 sq. ft. of floor area, you need 1 CFM. Thus, in the above example, area would be 6 x 10 = 60, thus recommended fan size would be 60 CFM.

However, if your bathroom is more than 100 sq. ft. in size, you have to add the different fixtures in your bathroom to reach the desired CFM rating. The recommended CFM for different fixtures is:

· Shower - 50 CFM

· Toilet - 50 CFM

· Bathtub - 50 CFM

· Whirlpool tub - 100 CFM

Thus, if your bathroom is more than 100 sq. ft. in size and has a toilet and shower, you will need an exhaust fan with 100 CFM rating. If a bathtub is also present the CFM rating will increase to 150 and so on.

Sizing Kitchen Exhaust Fans:

When sizing an exhaust fan for the kitchen, you have to take into account the location of your kitchen cooking range (if without range hood) or the size and location of the range hood if there is one. Here are the recommended CFM ratings for kitchen range hood exhaust fans:

Generally speaking, for every 10,000 BTU of the range, it is recommended a minimum of 100 CFM. So if your range is rated at 50,000 btu's, you would consider getting a fan with at least 500 CFM.

2. Understanding Static Pressure and Measuring Equivalent Duct Length:

When sizing an exhaust fan that does not open directly to the outside but is ducted, it is important to ensure that the exhaust fan has the capability to move stale air throughout the duct and ultimately to the outside. Here, we first need to understand what static pressure and equivalent duct length is.

Static Pressure: Inside every duct, there is a constant pressure being exerted at any point from all directions. When an exhaust fan moves air through the duct, the air counters resistance from this pressure which is known as static pressure. Thus, an exhaust fan has to have the ability to overcome the static pressure in a duct so as to effectively duct stale air to the outside of your home. This can be done by calculating the equivalent duct length of any duct.

Calculating Equivalent Duct Length (EDL): Simply measuring the length of a duct is not enough to know how much static pressure an exhaust fan has to overcome. Ducts may have one or more elbows, turns, or wall caps which add to the static pressure in a duct. Thus, you have to calculate the equivalent duct run and not the actual duct run so as to size an exhaust fan properly.

The static pressure in any duct run differs according to the material of the duct, number of elbows and turns, exterior wall cap and wall jacks etc. Listed below are the standard values for different duct components.

Smooth metal duct: Actual duct length x 1

Flex aluminum duct: Actual duct length x 1.25 (for 4"diameter duct)

Actual duct length x 1.50 (for 6"diameter duct)

Insulated flex duct: Actual duct length x 1.50 (for 4"diameter duct)

Actual duct length x 2.00 (for 6"diameter duct)

Wall caps and roof caps: 30 feet for each cap (for 4"diameter duct)

40 feet for each cap (for 6"diameter duct)

Elbows and turns: 15 feet for each (for 4"diameter duct)

20 feet for each (for 6"diameter duct)

Using the above values, you can calculate the equivalent straight duct length that an exhaust fan has to overcome so as to push stale air outside your home and counter static pressure effectively.

This ventilation guide is provided as a service from R.E. Williams Cont. Inc. Please be aware, that building codes and local regulations differ from region to region, they also can change.; therefore, R.E. Williams' Cont. Inc. assumes no liability for omissions, errors or the outcome of any home improvement project. You should always exercise reasonable caution, follow your current codes and regulations that may apply, and if in doubt on any procedure consult with a licensed professional.

For a complete line of residential ventilation solutions, visit our website at

A Guide To Residential Ventilation Exhaust Fans

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Maytag Performance Series MHWE200XW 27 4 cu. Ft. Front-Load Washer - White

!±8± Maytag Performance Series MHWE200XW 27 4 cu. Ft. Front-Load Washer - White

Rate : | Price : $599.00 | Post Date : Oct 19, 2011 10:30:14
Usually ships in 24 hours

Clean your most delicate silk or grungiest clothes with this washer that features a power wash cycle for maximum cleaning Fresh Spin option tumbles clothes periodically for up to 6 hours

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Free Appliance Repair Manuals

!±8± Free Appliance Repair Manuals

To help you get the appropriate guidance that you need to be able to repair your home appliances, there are a number of repair manuals that you can buy or download from various web sites. The good news is that there are a lot of web sites that offer repair manuals for free, especially the web sites of the manufacturers of the appliances. They use these manuals as a way of providing customer service. Apart from the web sites of the manufacturers, there are also a number of web sites that offer free repair manuals. These web sites are usually do-it-yourself web sites that provide very important information with regard to appliance parts and repair. However, the free repair manuals that these web sites offer still come with a price, although it would not involve having to pay a single dollar.

The ?Price? of Free Repair Manuals

Usually, do-it-yourself web sites ?earn? through advertising. This is because appliance manufacturers advertising on these web sites usually have an advertising arrangement with the web site. Usually, these arrangements state that the advertiser would pay a certain amount of money for every verifiable sale that results from the advertisement or for every time a person visits the site of the advertiser by clicking on the link that is placed on the web site. Given this, do-it-yourself web sites encourage their visitors to click on the links of their advertisers and, if possible, they also encourage their visitors to purchase items from their advertisers. This is because doing so can allow them to gain access to the funds that they need to maintain their web site as a result of the proceeds they would get from the advertising arrangements that they have with their advertisers.

Repair manuals are some of the best sources of information that you need to repair your own home appliances. The good news is that they are readily available from a number of web sites that either sell them at very low prices or provide them for free. However, free repair manuals also come with a price because the web sites that give them out for free depend on the funds that they get from the advertising arrangements they have with advertisers who places their ads on their web sites. Given this, one way of making sure that you would have access to free information is to take a few seconds and click on the links on the web site you are visiting.

Free Appliance Repair Manuals

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011



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Saturday, September 17, 2011



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Monday, September 12, 2011

Get rid of soap scum in the machine

!±8± Get rid of soap scum in the machine

With the water temperature cool or warm fabric is cheap. And 'even better for your clothes. Your clothes will not deteriorate faster than if you use hot and cold water. However, there are some disadvantages of using this cheap way of cleaning.

I'm talking about soap scum. Some cleaning products take longer to dissolve. The drive must have a strong circular motion to dissolve the detergent water. But if you have multiplerecommended amount of detergent, you can easily pick up the soap scum washing machine.

What are the negative effects of soap scum?

Since most laundry detergent made from animal fats and oils, these ingredients can go rancid after a while '. This creates a washer unwanted odor. It makes your laundry smell terrible.

It also promotes the growth of mold and bacteria. As you know, mold and bacteria in the host equipment is not healthy. You can simply mix with yourClothing.

How do you get rid of it?

Here are some of the most effective ways to get rid of this problem:

Tip 1: Just use hot water cycle. We recommend using the highest temperature setting on your washing machine. Run an empty cycle to solve waste water and soap. Wait for the machine in its cleaning cycle. You should also try to get rid of an extra rinse soap residue completely.

Tip 2: Use vinegar. The vinegar helps to dissolve detergent residue accumulated. Racea cycle of water empty into the definition of hot water and add two cups of white distilled vinegar. Vinegar also has antiseptic properties can get rid of bacteria and germs from OS machine. If it stays crunchy soap soap compartment of your washing machine, pre-treatment compartment with vinegar, before performing a vacuum cycle of water.

Tip 3: Use baking soda. Has abrasive particles that slough off oil soap and left-over machine can. It makes your washing machine drumshiny and perfectly clean. But be sure to use the hot water in the execution of sodium bicarbonate. This will help to dissolve the baking soda better. Add about half a bag of baking soda. Dissolve the washing machine and use it to clean soap scum.

Tip 4: To the residue on the outside of your washing machine or on the trays, you can try, sprinkle with lemon juice. Remove about a cup of lemon juice. Mix with a cup of water and put the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on affected areas.

Get rid of soap scum in the machine

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Front loading washing machines because it needs cleaning

!±8± Front loading washing machines because it needs cleaning

Since the introduction of front loading washing machine in the North American market their sales have literally exploded. Like most people, you probably bought one, because the savings proposed.

The statements are true about their efficiency. If used correctly, save energy, water and money. In addition they do a great job washing clothes.

But, with the wrong cleaner can quickly destroy the hopes of saving. Along with the amazing front loaderPopularity has a tremendous amount of misunderstanding about the detergent they will need.

A front loading washing machine needs a special cleaner. It's called HE (High Efficiency) detergent. Without HE detergent washing machine does not clean properly. Detergent can also cause mechanical problems charger.

HE detergent is a kind of non-foaming detergent. They, in fact, during operation, the machine seems almost without detergentinside.

Unfortunately we have become so accustomed to soap suds in our old washing machines that we mistakenly relate the presence of foam to work properly. Nothing could be further from the truth.

An old-style top-loader washing your clothes by constantly falling in a bathtub full of water. My front loader works differently.

In a front loader your clothes are picked up by the blades inside the drum, lifted up to the top of the drum, and then put in wateron the bottom of the drum. This collision of clothes and water to remove dirt from clothing fibers. Later, the drum stops rotating, the water flows from the bottom of the drum via the pump under the water and dirt to drain from the budget. Finally, the drum is rotated at high speed to remove the last traces of water, dirt and detergent from clothes. This front-loading method of cleaning your clothes is simple and reliable.

However, this simple method does not work anymoreif there are too many foam produced by your laundry detergent.

If regular detergent in a front loader, the excess liquor from the interaction of the detergent and tumbling water are produced. These foam accumulates on the bottom side of the wash drum where they are in water. Within minutes, this liqueur is the form of a big soft pillow. This cushion hinders the clothes to reach the water. As the clothes fall from the top of the drum,hit the bottom of the cushion of foam instead of water. The result is a very poor wash.

Even owners of front loaders, you use the proper cleaning is misunderstood how to use it properly. There are no suds they think need more detergent. Continue increasing the amount used to load up foam appear at the end. This can be a very costly mistake, which in turn result poor washing.

Using too much detergent is as bad as the wrong detergent. Extreme amount of detergentSymptoms such as lost can produce vibration, noisy operation, the spiders and the poor.

If you are using the wrong cleaning agent (or the correct type incorrectly) in the washing machine front loader, try the following suggestions. Start the machine with a series of cycles with hot water. This should help the expulsion of the old cleaner. It usually takes 3 or 4 cycles of washing away the old washing machine in the harvest. Or add a product to remove the building, the old cleaner. SuchProduct is called Shine. It 'available through wholesalers apparatus. Some food chains now she's in the detergent section.

In fact, it's a good idea to get a cleaner like shine in your front loader every few months. It is a cheap form of regular maintenance. A small amount should be added to the detergent to remove any residue from the field.

So if you think your charger is not working wellas expected, to search for the detergent. If the label does not say - go immediately.

Then you buy a box with the proper HE detergent and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Front loading washing machines because it needs cleaning

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maytag : MEDB200VQ 6.6 cu. ft. Dryer - White

!±8±Maytag : MEDB200VQ 6.6 cu. ft. Dryer - White

Brand : Maytag
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Aug 29, 2011 02:14:38
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Maytag Commercial Technology
  • SuperSize Capacity
  • GentleBreeze Drying System with IntelliDry Sensor
  • 7 Cycles/5 Temperatures
  • 90-Minute Wrinkle Prevent Option
  • DuraCushion Dryer Drum
  • Reversible Side-Swing Door
  • Front Lint Filter
  • Commercial-Grade Blower with 100-Foot Vent Length
  • Commercial-Grade, 5-Rib Dryer Belt
  • QuietSeries 300 Sound Package
  • Interior Light
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    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    How The Right washer and dryer for your small apartment select

    !±8± How The Right washer and dryer for your small apartment select

    Not all inhabitants of the apartment are given enough space for their equipment laundry. In most cases they had to share the bathroom with their neighbors. But this can be frustrating, not to mention stressful.

    You can create your own washer and dryer, to avoid complications. These devices do not take up much space in your home. When purchasing, please note the following guidelines:

    1 Even though the space is a problem that has the ability to think. Enter laundry CompactThe devices with relatively large capacity drum. Better yet, choose a washer and dryer combination in order to save space and just go to a machine with greater capacity. This way you can wash more clothes at once. Help the energy consumption.

    2 Choose a washing machine that can be installed easily. Ask the installation of the washing machine and dryer. Maybe you want a ventless dryer instead of a fan at a glance. Combination washer and dryer over todayventless dryer available. This means that they could direct you to release to the drain valve out of the house, hot air. You just have to configure it as a normal disc and the machine is hot air recycle.

    3 In search of functions of tranquility. One of the drawbacks of living in a small apartment is the distribution of noise. If you're a hard out loud, the sound can be easily heard in other parts of the house. Your neighbors might come in betweenSound.

    4 Select a washer permanent. While you can not really tell the durability of a car at first glance you can determine the companies to develop durable equipment. Choose the brand right, and check out the features before buying.

    You can also read to find out what others say on the machine. Find out if more than half of buyers are satisfied with its performance.

    5 Calculate the cost of maintenance and repair. In the event that theWant to break hard to know if in the future could cost you a lot of money. In general, the most expensive and most modern disk, the more expensive the maintenance is kept.

    Think of the cost of replacing worn parts. You want to choose a machine with features simple and straightforward and not overly modern washing machines with spiffy features. Although they are less efficient, are much less likely to give you a headache when it comes to repairsand maintenance.

    How The Right washer and dryer for your small apartment select

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    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Maytag MEDC200XW MEDC200XW Front Load Dryer

    !±8± Maytag MEDC200XW MEDC200XW Front Load Dryer

    Brand : Maytag | Rate : | Price :
    Post Date : Aug 23, 2011 20:30:40 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Maytag Commercial Technology
  • 7.0 Cu. Ft. SuperSize Capacity Plus
  • GentleBreeze Drying System
  • Smooth Balance Suspension System
  • Premium Dryer Drum Rollers
  • Heavy-duty Blower with 64-foot Vent Length
  • DuraCushion Dryer Drum
  • Commercial-Grade, 5-Rib Dryer Belt
  • Commercial-Grade, 1/3 - HP motor
  • 360 Front and Rear Heat Seal
  • Reversible Side-Swing Door
  • 15 Dry Cycles
  • Wrinkle Prevent Option
  • Durable Powdercoat-on-Steel SpillSaver Top

    • GentleBreeze Drying System
    • Smooth Balance Suspension System
    • 360 Front And Rear Heat Seal
    • Dimensions (WHD): 27 13/16 X 43" X 29"

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    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Maytag Dryer - Maytag Dryer Choosing the right time and enjoy Years of Worry-Free Performance

    !±8± Maytag Dryer - Maytag Dryer Choosing the right time and enjoy Years of Worry-Free Performance

    If you're in the market for a dryer, Maytag offers one of the largest selections on the market. Maytag makes both electric and gas dryers and markets a wide range of combinations of washing machine and dryer for those with little or living space designed in a smaller house. The cost of gas and electrical appliances can be compared with electric dryer works on average about sixty dollars less.

    Maytag Dryer Electric models are available in more than a dozen species. While all models are availableWhite and others are available in special colors to match your decor. Washers are suitable with the dryer. Maytag Electric Dryer traits in a range of affordable options, from Centennial model, usually for less than $ 500. The Centennial model has seven different cycles and three temperatures for the selection and is available in standard white. This is a good basic dryer that is reliable and will last for many years.

    IfThey are willing to spend a little 'more, you can buy the Bravo series electric dryer. The model has features that you can not see the Centennial model, options such as heavy and fast drying. The Bravo also has a slight reminder to remind the cloth dries, and five cycles of varying temperature vacuum.

    Maytag dryers are called high-end Performance Series and feature a front loader electric steam dyers. There are two standard colorsbe available to coordinate with a washer Performance Series Front Load. The dryer has a moisture sensor automatically with eleven cycles, a lint filter reminder light, temperature and five options. The option allows steam to dry clothes or update, the ecological option that is popular in today's dryers.

    If you are looking for a gas clothes dryer, Maytag has a line of more than a dozen gas dryer. While gas dryers are a bit 'more expensive, can betterYour home. The features are comparable with both gas and electric dryers, and most are designed to coordinate with a Maytag washer. The pipeline includes the epic Z, which is available in three different colors, has wrinkles control settings, an environment of fast-drying, cooling, and lint filter reminder light. The dryer gas Bravo is also comparable to its counterpart electricity. It has the same characteristics as the settings for delicates or bulky items, five settings of moisture, and is divided into threeColors.

    Regardless, you decide which Maytag Dryer, Maytag provides its products and stands behind the warranty. Thanks to the popularity of Maytag dryer, spare parts are easy to find and often directly from the store where you purchased your dryer to capture. If the dryer due to defects of a manufacturer, Maytag provides customer support services from any other brand of washing machines and dryers.

    Maytag dryer selecting the right home for your needs is simple andEconomic and enjoy trouble-free performance for many years.

    Maytag Dryer - Maytag Dryer Choosing the right time and enjoy Years of Worry-Free Performance

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